Dark and gloomy

It is Thursday and I feel gloomy.

Hmm could it be because I have tonnes of works and some of them are not really mine. It must be that I feel like a coolie that I am gloomy.

It could be because I am 26 and I have no girlfriend. It must be I am lonely that I am gloomy.

Could be that I wasted all my saving last year and now I am broke. Must be because my financial status is bad that I am gloomy.

ohhhh it could be because I have so many assignments and I have not finished them that I am gloomy. It must have been for the workloads.

Could it be because I have not eaten yet. Yes, it must be that. I was fine this morning then the JKR came during recess time and took such a long time to leave that I missed my breakfast.

Ohhhhhh yup....that's it...!!!


Fadhlah said…
awat duit tak cukup nie?banyak pinjam bang Yat ka?huhuhu..
Silverleaf said…
bukan xcukup...cukup2 je....
yattt said…
buat la part time modelling..anas ensem apa?kuikuikui..kena blanja yat ni..dah kasik up 2..
Silverleaf said…
hihihi terkembang hidung nasib baik xkoyak...

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