I got MC last Monday... It was because I was sick with laziness. I had never went to the clinic asking for MC if I dont need it but that Monday was the beginning of a new light. I like it hahahah...It was easy...The night before, I called a few friends to ask about the best clinic to ask for MC...they tell me a few of them...I was scared because I have never done it before....
As I waited for my turn, I over heard an old man talking to two kids...The boy is in year one and the girl in kindergarten...The old man adviced them " atok bagi duit ni jangan beli rokok.!!..jangan isap rokok...!!"...hmmmmm isnt it to early to give that advice...I didn't hear the rest of the conversation...The Doc called my name.... I donno wat to say to the doc....
It was a piece of cake...The doctor didn't even looked in to my eyes and that make it easy to lie....
u ok???
seems like the mental state is not in the right order?
and I've only been to the clinic when I'm really3 sick, coz I hate medicines.. drugs... (=.=)
I never had trouble going to the clinic....
aku cakap je senggugut..
ok tpu..
ada gak skali due berlakon..ala bukan die nk cek pun