My life as a teenage robot....

I feel like a robot programmed to do the same thing every day. Wake up early in the morning without fail and go to the bathroom. Wear the clothes,pray,breakfast and drives to school. Teach,teach and teach....go back home and take a nap. wake up and marks the students' books. At night, mark again and prepare for tomorrow lessons.....

Where have all the fun go?....They are hiding from me....


Sir Matno said…
they are not hiding away from you.. YOU are hiding yourself..

org sabah bilang, "Tapok bawak kulung".. maksudnya sembunyi kat bawah umah (yg ada kawasan legar2 tuh)..

chill out..
you need some real fun..

come, meet me during the hols!

yattt said…
cari la hobby baru!
Silverleaf said…
haha...u made ur point.....hey I come....

hobby dah banyak tapi bored jugak...

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