agreed disagreed or in the middle....whatever..!!!!
" Hak guru Lebih Agung dari hak IBU BAPA, sebab orang tua penyebab adanya kita sekarang & kehidupan yang fana. Smentera GURU, penyebab hidup yang KEKAL. Sekiranya tidak ada guru, nescaya apa yang dihasilkan & diarahkan oleh orang tua akan celaka selamanya~~~Imam Al-Ghazali~~~
I do not know if the quote that I cite above is really from Imam Al-Ghazali. I read it somewhere from the wall of someone's facebook. is it right or not that's another story but is it true or not?...well, recently i watched a video that trigger a lot of questions and reactions. Let's watch it it is...
I do not know if the quote that I cite above is really from Imam Al-Ghazali. I read it somewhere from the wall of someone's facebook. is it right or not that's another story but is it true or not?...well, recently i watched a video that trigger a lot of questions and reactions. Let's watch it it is...
as a teacher, I do not agreed with what the teacher did too. I think he was provoking the student to act that way. Why didn't he just let go for a while. consult the student later. The student was angry and cant think straight. He should let the boy cool down first. I guess he was the discipline teacher of that school. He had to look strict and mean or he would loose respect from other students and the discipline of the school going to get worst. hmmmm you know what I really think?...I think that this video was a set up. maybe the student had issues all along and the teachers just don't have evidents. So, they recorded it and now they got proved.ohhh i just don't know what to say....I was just speculating. I don't agreed with the teacher or the student. Both of them. anyway, the video showed that students don't respect teachers anymore. I never seen any student talk back that way to his teacher. in my school days we never talk back to the teachers even when we don't like the teachers. ohhhh I been idle for too long that I don't know what I'm writing...i just don't have the words to express what I'm thinking right, what about you leave comments in my comments box and tell me what do you think?.....
and sabahans do not talk like that.