negative and positive...
Some one told me before that those lights you switch on to bright the dark night need positive and negative cell to work. Hmmm something like that...I don't really remember the exact words but almost like that...
I created this blog last year and hidden it from the world...I dump all my anger, frustration, disappointment, sadness and all the negative thoughts in the blog. It was the way I channeled all the negative aura out of the system. Then, I opened the blog to public. I changed the layout and deleted all the things that might offended anybody. I imported things from my older blog here and try to be more open. I got some followers and even cared for what they would think after reading any of the entries I posted in the blog. I toned down my voice and wrote things that were not important to me or anybody. There was like a boundary that stopped me from writing what I really wanted to write......I lost the plank to sunk the nails....the hammer and nails were kept in the closet and the negative aura became like a boil waiting to explode....
These past few months were not so good. I wanted to express them here but the boundary shifted into a thick wall....very hard to get through....some of the arrows did made it into the posts but those were just a tiny speck of what I really wanted to write.....Writing in the blog was a it became nothing....I don't know why I write in the blog anymore. It lost it's purpose.....
If you had been my blog lately, you can see how negative I had been about everything....there were actually two sides of every story but I chose to write the negative side here and live the positive side....and I enjoyed the positive ones so much that I don't care to write them in the blog...but when I was depressed, I need the blog to expressed it..
I am sorry if the negative vibe gets to you.... I hope it didn't...
I understand ur purpose, I really do.. it's just that, the things u write here is the things u'd read back in the future.. I'm afraid that when u return to this blog later, u'd be depressed with all the negativity u once had.. and I'm afraid that the previous negativity sticks to the positive u..
well, that's just my point of view.. this is your blog, and u are entitled to fill it with whatever colours u choose to..
I'm sorry if my comments previously made u uncomfortable.. and if it makes u feel better, I won't comment in the future..
whatever it is, the best of luck to u in whatever u do.. take care! (^^,)
r we cool here??...