whatcha gonna do when it's too late??

tot u cn fix it n u let it b 4 a while...then its too late coz it's beyond repair. U cn run bt u cnt never hide. U wanna lie but ur tongue froze. U get the blame and u r 2 b blamed. It's ur own fault 4 bein a procrestinate. U cnt lifted the blame 2 any1 else coz u'r too timid n felt guilty. U shud feel guilty coz it is ur fault. Whatcha gonna do now? Whatcha gonna do? Hell is nearing n u'r nt prepared.. U cn scream bt then u gonna get hurt faster then..whatcha gonna do? Ohh just what u gonna do.↲↲↲


DH said…
Marah dia Silverleaf...
Jangan kasi can...
Presure dia..
Fitriah said…
i don't get it..hehe
naqiubex said…
a burst of thought..
in a rappin kinda style..

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