peace and harmony...

The picture was intentionally blurred because I'm afraid it would be wrongly interpreted and might be sensitive to some people.

Tell me what do you see?

Tell me what you feel?

I saw this on the wall in a toilet...I was not mad at the chinese who might wrote the word "melayu" because I could see that there was word that had been covered by ink that wrote "cina".....I see the ugly side of people in this country....Don't you blame the Chinese and don't you blame the Malay....This is one of the product from the promised we forged together around 52 years ago....No don't get me wrong...I don't blame just happen...nobody knows why we cant live in harmony...but everybody is trying hard to live in peace...yes in peace but not harmony...we tolerated with each other and tried not to mind each other business but in the heart there is still the flint that differentiate us. tell me where on earth that etcnicity,skin colour and races have no quarrels with each other?...I can't find one place that everybody live in harmony with people different from them......but there is NO reason for us to stop lets try harder.......


Just_najmiE said…
erm, i don't know what the picture is.. mind if u tell me?..
Silverleaf said…
hihi ok ok I tell....

its pink and some people think its causes trouble around the globe and people cursed it everyday...
DH said…
This country need more people like u..
In my experience..
I cant guest who wrote n draw it first..
But it doesnt matter..
Its just prove that my teori is rite..
Syahir Alias said…
aku cm nmpak ba alip ba bi je. huhu. btol kan? y la malay cant seem to get along with chinese?? personally, i tink chinese themselves r quite anti wif malay. . dats jz a personal thought. . tp aku suke jee usha amoi. . huhu. haiya lengloi, ho leng maa~
Just_najmiE said…
owhhhh, swine..
hahaha.. nama sopan.. :p
Fitriah said…
then it is not teddy bear?
Silverleaf said…
DH:...yes u kno who started it....nahhh m not much....


just_najmiE:...hehehe now u guessed it....

fitriah..oh bt its still cute hoho
syitah said…
he says.
she says.
it'll never subside..
merisaukan, yes.
back to the up-side down pyramid,
it starts with individuals.
"i'm starting with the man in the mirror"
Unknown said…
suh diaorg g btn..
baru paham..
Silverleaf said…
shah:...these must be the work of school kids....grown ups can think better....I hope...

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