The youngest...

I went to Johore to attend my lil brother convocation day...

Hey if anyone knows any job vacancies for Electrical graduate please tell me yeah...

I and my lil bro when we were younger

mase nunggu dalam dewan abis punye le lame...nak jage budak sekor ni punye le susoh....


Just_najmiE said…
o0o0o, that's why u went to Kohor.. ingatkan kawen lari.. hahahaha!!

congrats to ur brother.. (^^,)
naqiubex said…
Congrats to your bro also..
nice pictures you took..
Fitriah said…
ur brother? but u look younger than him.

btw, nice photos! :)
Just_najmiE said…
aiyah, kohor la plak.. i meant Johor.. muahahahaha!! kohor kat mana la plak kan?.. hehehe..
Jard The Great said…
to just_najmie.. kalo nk kawen lari. bek gi thailand.. ehehehe...

soh adik hang apply SPA.. ;p
Silverleaf said…
Just_najmie:...hehehe xmen laaaa kawin lari kat siam.....kawan lari keliling padang kat depan rumah dah laaaa....jauh sgt nak lari ke siam...hehe

naqiubex:....thank you naqiubex.....

fitriah:...I do?...hahahahah thats the magic of self taking photo....if someone else is taking it, I look way older.....

Jard the great:....oh oh ade pengalaman ka?...wahahaa
SasHa Lee said…
akan ku tanyer di tempat guwer keje k..mana tau ada..;)
Silverleaf said…
SasHa Lee:....Thank much!!!!
Just_najmiE said…
eh, betul la apa fitrah said.. u do look younger than ur brother.. I just noticed.. (^^,)
Silverleaf said…
Just_najmiE:.....maybe bcoz of long sleep....I sleep a lot that it froze time on me hahahahaha
syitah said…
hey, your bro looks familiar..
and not because you guys have muka iras adik beradik okey sbb tak pun hehe.
why meh?
pelanduk kut...
Silverleaf said…
syenite:...hey what a coincidence...I had just visited ur blog......

I donno...where did u met him....hmmmm r u ant chance studied in smka dekat seri iskandar tu...kat teronoh....xingat name dier....rasenye xkot......
Firol said…
Just_najmiE said…
uii, ada gmbar baru.. hehehe.. so cute!!.. now this is kanak2 ribena.. kan3?.. (^^,)
Silverleaf said…
firol:...thanks firol......

Just_najmiE:...oh oh mase ni kami xkenal ribena lagi.....cume tau nespray je......hehe...aku minum nespray sampei tingkatan 2...memalam sebelum titun mak mesti bancuh....
Just_najmiE said…
uii, more pictures!.. hehehe.. kawaii-desu!!.. hontoni kawaii.. (^^,)

minum nespray?.. apakah?.. (o_0"
Just_najmiE said…
oh, btw, my friend saw ur picture and said you're cute.. wanted me to say hai to u for her..

so, on behalf of my friend...

HAI!!.. (^^,)
Silverleaf said…
ehhh lupe...najmie buh gambo baru yek....nampk cam tgh berfikir.....
Silverleaf said…
Just najmiE:....nespray tu susu hehe.....

Hi!!!! najmie's friend.....(m blushing hehe)
Just_najmiE said…
wahh, blushing?.. hahaha! I'll tell her u said hi back..

neways, I'm off.. gonna go to bed, sleepy.. night, assalamualaikum.. (^^,)
Silverleaf said…
syitah said…
nope, 3 high schools tp xpernah ke smka. hehe.
Unknown said…
waht happened?
firah said…
alololo... tOmeinye bdak tu plOk dia...
Silverleaf said…
firah....budak tu je tomei?..hehe

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