The Mask you're wearing.....

"If you wear "The Jester" mask, then you probably like to show yourself having a fun time around others. You laugh, joke, and play around with your friends, but that's probably not really you. Your real you and the one you pretend to be around others are probably worlds apart. For your cherade to end, you just need to figure out for yourself that a true friend will accept you for who you are. Find out that you dont really need to be wearing your mask. "
I don't think I wear The Jester mask....This is the mask I'm wearing....

I like to have a lot of fun and I can change when the situation needs me too....I can put the sad mask or the sarcastic mask...I can read you like a book but usually I just play dumb...Play dumb is the easiest way from getting involve in a problem...for an example,.....if i know a girl fell in love with me and that mean trouble is on the way for I am only loyal to my Lady dragonfly...I will just play dumb and brush off the bread-crumbs she left for me to find my way to her....I don't like to hurt I always try to find ways to escape from the post of breaking anyone I talking gibberish?...haven't been blogging for a long time and this is the consequences.....
anyway, I think everybody wears some kind of mask in every day life...some put colourful smiling mask so people see them as happy and without worries....some put the confident mask and some put the problem-free mask......the masks cant hide anything too long...there will be time where people can penetrate through the masks and see what the real deal is....sometimes the eyes give away the hint to the real feeling...people say that "the eyes are the window to the soul"....some people say "the world is a big stage and we are all the actors"....
I think I wrote crap here...ohhhh sorry to waste your time reading this post....
Here!!!...take an axe and bash my blog...hoho

yeah, play dumb is the safest way. :)
get a life!!!
abg anas..
Shah:...had one...lost it...Ohhh and selamat menyambut ulangtahun kemerdekaan jugak....
Khaleeqa:.....The mask....yg jim carey blakon tuh.....
Cool axe. Want it.
jiyuu:....yup...u'r right...I do believe its true....I forgot my true face sometimes...huhu
actually, it's quite difficult & rather impossible for us to express our real feeling or emotion to others especially if we r sad, tense or angry. dis is obviously due to some reasons;
- we dont want others to know dat we r facing a prob / probs
- we dont want people to think dat we r weak / lack of confidence
in my P.O.V laaa... huahuahua
cikgu,selamat berpuasa eh.. haha
i she said its not for pretending..
but for brighter skin..
i was like..i want it too..haha..nice post bro..
Jard:....ohh its hard not to wear any mask.....
Si lampu neon:....hehe I like the movie too....even "the son of the mask"....
It changes depending on the situation and environment!