tag tag ohhh tag...

I went to Ipoh to pick up a friend from the station bus....Man! he got this cool flu-mask....oho......its like Kakashi's mask......


Salam Ramadhan

I took this Upin and Ipin from this blog....

Just came back from ipoh....yeah I know its 4.30 in the morning....fully use of the holiday to do anything I like....That is what so great about my job....so many holidays....I love the holidays...but its Ramadhan so I can't go to any beaches and islands...i love the sea.....feeling the sand under my feet..the breeze on windy gloomy day.....eating ice cream under the hot sun....ohhhhhhh.....I'm doing the tag from Just_najmiE....tot of doing it tomorrow but what the heck...gonna have sahur in couple of minutes anyway....

1. Anda rasa anda hot?
nop....its cool here...

2. Upload gambar kesayangan anda!
not really my favvy but the only pic in the lappy....other pics are in the external drive....but yes it can be considered as a pic I like...haha i don't really play the drum...I have two left hands hehehe

3. Kenape anda suka gambar ini?
nothing particular...its just dat I looked like i can play an instrument...wahahahahaha m not very good at any instrument...

4. Bila kali terakhir anda tak puasa?
Hmmmm...so so so long ago....i can't remember when....

5. Lagu terakhir yang anda dengar?
i donno the song title..i dont even like the song...heard it in the car..goyang-goyang something....hahahaha i donno the song but dats the last one I heard....

6. Apa yang anda buat sambil selesaikan tag ini?
breathing.....thinking.....looking at the screen of the lappy and typing....hehehehe really dats what m doin now...like now....

7. Selain dari nama anda sendiri, anda suka dipanggil dengan nama ape?
My japanese name...Kazuki...heehhe just found dat out fom facebook...it mean..Shinning....i donno whats so shiny but dats wat it mean....oh oh its wear off by tonight...dont need to call me with dat name tomorrow....I like my own name......its long and if you read it u cant pronounce it right and when u heard it u cant write it correctly...dats my name....I donno who came out wih this unique name...my mom said its a name given by an old man who used to be our neighbour...

8. Tag lagi 7 orang tanpa rasa kekesalan..
wooooo so many......I donno who to pick....hmmmmm ok...anyone who read this post and dont have ideas to write in their blogs....hehee..easy eh...no forced...do it if u want to.......ohhhh to some blogs I followed, sorry that I didn't leave any comments in blogs for these couple of days..pretty busy enjoying the holidays...ohhh but i do read....just haven't leave any comments......


arekymz said…
nape xtnye saho mkn pe td..hehe..
comel ar upin ipin tuh..err..
nak tnye..g ipoh fer what??sorry fer being such as bz body..but this is me..penyebok la ko akim..sorry2..
but..please..answer me..hee
Silverleaf said…
ohhh watched the midnight movie...that's all...and hang around with friends....hehe why did you asked?...anything fun in ipoh that you might wanna share?....
Fitriah said…
what is your name?
Fadhlah said…
soalan panas tu....hik..hik..hik..
Masy said…
tu dia.. berjela panjang tag. fuh2 berpeloh nk mengabiskan haha
Silverleaf said…

hehe....hi Jard....


Masy:....ha;ahhhh woishhhh xsangka leh tulih pnjg tu pon hehe
Max J. Potter said…
upin dan ipin - adorable. haha.

hey jiyuu expanded on your comment up my blog. you might wanna go and see. XD
Jiyuu said…
Your rambling about your name, funny. Kazuki, eh? Whats your real name? Oh, but if it goes against your blog anonymity, u don't have 2 tell me.
Silverleaf said…

Jiyuu:...hmmmm....let me have a bit of mystery hehehhe...
SasHa Lee said…
kazuki...i like ur picto wif instrument tue..macam termenung jer..hehe
Silverleaf said…
sasha lee:....tengah termenung camne nak ketuk drum hehehehe....
imHepPie said…
huiii...besh gak mask cenggitu nak gak wuuu...

soklan no 4 tuh jujur ke jawab muahahaha...
Just_najmiE said…
ui, ur eyes......... cam sebulan tak tido.. hahaha.. u should get some rest meh..

thanks for doing the tag tho.. u're the best!.. hehehe..
Silverleaf said…
imHepPie:....hehehehe sebenonye ingat tp malu nak cakap wahahahahahaah....

just_najmiE:......ohhhh the holiday....look m replying comment at 2:52A.M........m living the holidays.....not enough time to sleep hehehehe....
kujuto senpai said…
kakashi ek?? hehehehe...
Mrs Nurul said…
geee! can u breath in that mask? looks like out of oxygen!
Biasa said…
haha kakashi konon, sejak biler kakashi p fastfood tu hah kuku
Cik Cookie said…
OMG.Cik Cookie dah lm cr mask iteww.mtk 1 ngn kwn.
Unknown said…
lurve those pic..
cekgu.. kuar malam2 ye..

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