I went to the cinema last night and I had a great time...its a bless to escape work sometimes...
xramai orang kat shopping complex...parking pun senang....wayang pun banyak kosong...mgkin sebab semua orang takut virus kot...harap2 semalam semua pembawa virus dok rumah xkuar merebakkan kesakitan...oh oh betoi ke virus xaktif kat tempat sejuk?...mgkin dier layan tido kot kt tmpat sejuk.......

Its been long since I tasted these mouth watering doughnuts....I ate all of them by myself........

The last doughnut.....

and I got what I been looking for....although its not in good condition...I have to grab it...its hard to find....

my favourite reading spot...in the garage...(not a real garage)
oh oh, ur face eating the doughnut kan, sgt comel.. (^^,)
lala:...ohhh 6 ni pun xcukup...nanti kite beli yg 24...12bijik sorang....cukop kot...
i don't know whether you notice this or not...
but your blog is full of girls who have crushes on you...big time.
hahah. ah to be young and flirtatious...i wasn't one.
but anyways, i understand why they adore you so =]
(p/s kepada big apple,
promote2 ni big apple xnak kasi percent ke?)
but your blog is full of girls who have crushes on you...big time.
miahahaha!!.. does this include me?.. (^^,)
Not so many people than it was before the pandemic...
Plus, thats a whole lot of dougnut you're eating there
naqiubex:...yeahhhhh aren't we daredevils....ohhhh its nothing...i once ate a whole set of pizza by myself...
sedap giloooo..
masy:......yup yup......all of them....
Z@ck :.....yup yup sedappp!!! but i still dunkin doughnut lagi sdap kot....
try pegi esastera mana tau kena ngan selera bahan bacaan
tapi takmo makan..
(hek eleh... baru 2 mggu lepas aku melantak kfc.. bukan yahudi ke tu?)