Lady Dragonfly...

I and miss dragonfly were in the same class. She was the first girl that befriend with me in the class. The other girls despise me because one of the girl was in the same group in the interviewed for maktab. The girl, Sunshine, loathed me because I made her looked silly in the interviewed. She made a pack with some of the girls in the class to ignore me. I was puzzled and didn't realise why did they ignored me because I was okay with girls in other classes. Dragonfly told me she didn't care what they said. She don't want to judge me because of other people judgment. We became close friends. The cold shoulders by Sunshine and the gang lasted only for a week.....guessd they were tired of making the tight face....

I didn't really know how to be friends with girls. I was in all boys school. Its like a whole new world for me. The girls for no reasons were friendly with me. Ohhhhh I like being in the college full with girls...Yup that was maktab....85percent of the students were girls......I dont know about now but that was the percentage.....oh oh and they were friendly to...maybe because its maktab and everyone was going to be a teacher or maybe it was because they put something in the food in the canteen but they were friendly...

I and lady Dragonfly were best of friend until the end of maktab....we never thoght that one day we are going to fall in love...she's been with me through thick time and happy time....she knows all my flaws and every bad events I been through....she knows me more than I know myself.....and she claimed that I know her more than she knew herself......

After maktab...we still meet...luck had always stand by my side...I got posted near my hometown but she got posted in Pahang....K.L. had been the rendezvous for various meeting.....eventually....we fell in love....


Jiyuu said…
Ah, you lucky bastard. Good for you.
ninanabilah said…
aku x ingat sangat nama kakak 2,tapi aku cam la muka dia.....untung dia dapat kau anas...wish u all the best k
Silverleaf said…
orked lahh"...just like chocolates

jiyuu'...not quite...the story's nt finished....

ninanabilah:.....ohhh ingat yek....hmmm kot tersilap org lak...
naqiubex said…
So are you still in love?
Ok.. so it's gonna continue..
Keep on posting it.. hehe
Fitriah said…
so sweet!

she must be pretty! :)
Just_najmiE said…
maybe it was because they put something in the food in the canteen but they were friendly..

hahahahha, I laughed at this one!!

awwww, it's so sweet of u.. I know the relationship is still hanging, but I wish u the best of luck!.. (^^,)
Silverleaf said…
Naqiubex:...yes its gonna continue....actually u can find older post about me and lady dragonfly......but its too old and hard to find.......

fitriah:...she's pretty in my eyes....

just_najmiE:...thank you....i hope so too.....
syitah said…
i think i know the lady too
Silverleaf said…
syenite:...u do?...hehe....not very challenging to guess aight?...

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