
Showing posts from August, 2019


I feel guilty. Toward myself, mother and God. Taking the things I have now for granted. God bestows me with good looks, healthy body, loving mother and problems that I could handle. I don't use my looks that attracted many women to find one that love me for who I am. I don't spend enough time with my mother while she is still healthy now. I don't handle my not so bad problems with my mind.


    Tired. Yes, after a long time resting from writing any post in the blog. The title is TIRED. What am I tired of?? A lot of things actually... A LOT. Too much a burden for me to handle. My depression is getting worse and my financial status does not look good too. Nothing about me is good now.       One of the thing I am tired off is taking care of other people shits. Well not really other people. Those other people are related to me by blood. I don't know how to start writing what I am tired off but I need to write all my troubles here to ease the pain I'm feeling.  Please mind my grammar here. I don't care about grammar here. I am not writing a research or a  book to be published. I am writing for my own sake.      Okay. I have to start somewhere. Hmmmmmm I'll just start whatever comes to my mind now. Nothing in chronological order. Not like anyone is reading this blog anyway. hahahahahhahahaha and that's the truth!!!!...