just a rambling of negative thought......

I'm enjoying coke right now in front of the lappy. just came back from the new school. Yup, I'm going to be teaching in different school next year. Bigger school, larger crowd, more students, more work and different politic game. I'm not talking about the politic in the country, I'm talking about politic in the workplace....oh oh i'm tired of workplace politic...

Nevertheless, nobody can run off from such thing. They will be ass suckers, bossy seniors, babbling clerk, meddling parents, and there will be strict head master whose butt will be shining from the suckers.....oh oh they will be strict attire code too...hmmmmmmmmmmmmm..tired..

oh oh i should be positive but I been there two times and that the first thing caught on my mind....That what I saw for those two times I was there....Shit....!!!

I should be neutral....I'll try to be neutral...won't get caught in those dirty games of them....Oh oh...i donno...Hmmmmmm will see, will see.....it's still too soon to interpret anything........positive...positive...positive...Heyy!!! where is the positive vibe????????....come here "Positive"......cheer me up!!! hahahahahaa

Hoiii kuning!!! pegi men kat mane nih??....kotor...cehhh jgn harap nak tido ateh katil aku ari nih....hmmmm sok le mandikan......malehnye dah petang2 nih......


Unknown said…
i'm the 1st to komen..
wah, tuko tempat keje..

takpelah abg..
mana tau jodoh ada kat cni kan?
Silverleaf said…
shah, hehehe yup u'r the 1st this time...not again, last post, Dh was the 1st...ohhhh sHah, only God knows where my jodoh is....i dnt even wanna think about it for the mean time...
Fin said…
Ooooo u r a teacher..congrats! Satu profession TERmulia sekali dlm dunia.

Kalo cikgu I dolu hnsem cengini mesti I rajin blaja kan? haha gurau jer..

Anyway, dont bother about petty2 things or office politics.. there're always will be.. it is the matter of how we face & handle it.

Alaaa i know, for u mesti kacang punya lah!
Ok Slamat Mdidik Anak Bangsa!
Fitriah said…
gudluck at ur new workplace! i hope everything going to be just fine. amin.

kuning kua dating la tu. haha. ali tak suka mandi. klu time mandi die punye meow2 tu jiran sebelah umah blh dgr.
Just_najmiE said…



Silverleaf said…
fin- tq fin....hoho everywhere pun same gak...tmpt koje kompem ade politik.....

fitriah-oh oh seb bek kunng jenis kalo mandi senyap je......

najmie- m trying to be positive...positive positive positive....

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