@--> Cuti2 ARSEA <--@

Crew2 snorkeling.. aku dpt jmp "nemo". mmg cute giler! *P R E A C H

Beach boy tioman.. haha! t'paske pgg besi tuh.. tkut sehh.. brother tuh bwk laju
nk mmpus, muke dh mcm mat remp.. mmg stylo abes! skali tuh die g layan lap,
die hengat bwk moto rxz ke???! tp brother tuh sporting abes.. ;)

crew2 arsea. aku tgh "nyorok"... hehe!

abadi kn diri dkt signboard yg x bape menarik.. hoho!

bersama otai2 arsea.. abg k & bro naza dkt salang pusaka.
dh cm puaka alam.. hek3!

Mlm tuh.. dak sblh bilk kitorg nih mat holland,
borak punye borak, las2 dorg duk offer kitorg
air syaitan.. kitorg yg fahaman sunni ngn tangkas
menolak pelawaan laknat dorg tuh. huhu!
pastuh, dorg offer weed pulak (high ya, high ya baby la!).. aku taw.. tmpt dorg mmg dh jd biase. kang.. x psl2 extend cuti kt lokap plak. selama 3 ari 2 mlm kt.. mmg cuci mate abes! ^_^ dosa pahala sndiri tanggung. haha!
Hidup aku mmg ngn keje je.. xde life lgsung, bile
dh dpt cuti nih.. dlm kpale mmg pk nk njoy je. nih
las holiday aku ngn ofismate. pasni aku tuka haluan
plak. kalo ade trip mn2 pasni pon aku kire jd trip
utk ex-arsea'n plak.
thnx to adi & bro naza yg sgguh2 pakse aku g wlaupon
mule2 aku xmo g. hehe! pasni aku ade plan br.. trip to amsterdam (rollercoaster baby!!!!) n many bicthes.. (they come they go!) wuahahahaha..


Anonymous said…
awey..dak Ruby dah mula rindu kat ko nie..camne aku nak setlekan..
Darkheart said…
huhuhu sape lak ni...wan bahaye nih....
Just_najmiE said…
may 12, 2008..

wooooooo... u seem out of touch.. huhu.. and bald.. (^^,)
Silverleaf said…
hihi dat wasn't me....its my fren...i didnt posted this...he did...

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