I am the king of sorrow....
I am depress....feel like shifting my life to a new beginning....change lifestyle,change workplace,changes of attitudes and everything that could be change. I do not want to be polite anymore....people say I am too polite and naive that everybody oppress me..I do not want to be helpful too..people always take granted of me...I do not want to care about anybody before I care about me...I really need a boost of confident....I should 'masuk bakul angkat sendiri' sometime...being modest just made me small......
nurain - hoho action kamen...action! action! action!.....aku dlu pnah kumpui komik shin chan dari sekolah sampei masuk kolej dulu....dats how late i grown up hahahahahah....
dats wut we call life =)
yet so complicated but full of experience..
sha pernah alami cam yg deheart rase skrg..
nak ubah smua yg ada pada diri skrg but then i found something in myself..
im not like others..
i have my own personality..
i have my own style
so, do i have to change evrything bcoz of others?
sha bajo sesuatu yg amat berguna
"sayangi dr sndr sblm syg org lain,
biar nmpk mcm pentingkan diri tp lbh baik peduli dr sndr sbb blum tentu org yg kita peduli akan pedulikan kita"
then psl cnfident tu, sha rasa pe yg penting kene byk bergaul dgn mcm2 org.. then u`ll learn something..
-i`m not perfect but sharing is caring kan
somebody u jzt forget
bunga - thanks...its Kutai's work...i didnt touch a thing.....