Tired. Yes, after a long time resting from writing any post in the blog. The title is TIRED. What am I tired of?? A lot of things actually... A LOT. Too much a burden for me to handle. My depression is getting worse and my financial status does not look good too. Nothing about me is good now. 

     One of the thing I am tired off is taking care of other people shits. Well not really other people. Those other people are related to me by blood. I don't know how to start writing what I am tired off but I need to write all my troubles here to ease the pain I'm feeling.  Please mind my grammar here. I don't care about grammar here. I am not writing a research or a  book to be published. I am writing for my own sake.

     Okay. I have to start somewhere. Hmmmmmm I'll just start whatever comes to my mind now. Nothing in chronological order. Not like anyone is reading this blog anyway. hahahahahhahahaha and that's the truth!!!! hahahaahahahhahha...

     There are many people living with me now. my brother, his wife and their little kid. A four year old. My sister and 4 of her children and my mother who has always been living with me. I love my family, don't get me wong but sometimes I just want a little bit of privacy. I know it sounds selfish of me but I am a  bit tired of taking care of my nephews and nieces. They take a lot of my times, energy  and money too... hahahaha yes money, They just don't reallise they are poor but been living like the rich. They want Starbucks, movies, dining at fancy restaurants and eats like kings with my money. They enjoy themselves with my money and I am broke. hahahahaha sound petty. I am a bit petty sometimes. I loathed myself for writing this. I shouldnt write this kind of thing. I just want to stop now. I hate having these kind of thought. I don't always have these kind of thoughts. I am accessing my inner darkness. hmmmmmmm bye.


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