My new old baby...

It was love at first sight. I saw her on the shelf of a very old camera shop. I knew it right away that it was meant for me. The chrome body shone like a halo from an angel and captivated me. I was bedazzled and all I wanted was to hold it in my hands.....Ok enough is enough..hahaha..

Now that it is mine, I need to learn how to use it well. Still am excited....uhhhh Yashica....I can't wait to see the product of our love affair....hahahahah....Ohhh I know it wont be good the first time..but I hope they will be something to look at..hahaha...


Jiyuu said…
Interesting personification. So cameras can turn you into a poet, eh? lol.
Silverleaf said…
hei..hai jiyuu....haven't heard from u for quite a while are you?...
Jiyuu said…
Hi Silverleaf. I'm fine. Haven't been doing much blogging tho. Part laziness, part something I can't describe...How about you? Besides having love affairs with old cameras, that is...
arekymz said…
old skool camera ke?
ke camera lomo tu?
smart ouh.
congrats with your affair.
Silverleaf said…
same here jiyuu..bein lazy all year round..haha...didn't update my blog like I used too....its nice seeing you and the other bloggers buddy around the blog-sphere are still around..

not a lomo la akim, old school je...but can do lomo if I know the right setakat nih xbejaye lagi...huhuhu
Jiyuu said…
Everyone is still around, but it seems most of us have been going through the same lazy+unexplainable thing. But lazy or no lazy, we all must keep in touch, okay! *buat2 muka garang*
Silverleaf said…
yes2 we shud. it wont be the same without u guys. m too old to make new frens and losing old frens..haha
Jiyuu said…
Aiya, don't say that la u make me feel old too.

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